21 research outputs found

    An Unmatched Radio Frequency Chain for Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a safe and versatile diagnostic tool for intracranial imaging, however it is also one of the most expensive and specialized making it scarce in low- to middle-income countries (LMIC). The affordability and portability of low-field MRI offers the potential for increased access to brain imaging for diseases like Hydrocephalus in LMIC. In this tutorial style work, we show the design of a low powered and low cost radio frequency chain of electronics to be paired with a previously reported prepolarized low-field MRI for childhood hydrocephalus imaging in sub-Saharan Africa where the incidence of this condition is high. Since the Larmor frequency for this system is as low as 180 kHz, we are able to minimize the impedance of the transmit coil to 5 ohms rather than match to 50 ohms as is traditionally the case. This reduces transmit power consumption by a factor of 10. We also show the use of inexpensive and commonly available animal enclosure fencing (“chicken wire”) as a shield material at this frequency and compare to more traditional shield designs. These preliminary results show that highly portable and affordable low-field MRI systems could provide image resolution and signal-to-noise sufficient for planning hydrocephalus treatment in areas of the world with substantial resource limitations. Employment of these technologies in sub-Saharan Africa offers a cost-effective, sustainable approach to neurological diagnosis and treatment planning in this disease burdened region.Fil: Harper, Joshua R.. Pennsylvania State University; Estados UnidosFil: Zárate Evers, Cristhian Manuel. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; Paraguay. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Krauch, Federico. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Muhumuza, Ivan. Mbarara University Of Science And Technology; UgandaFil: Molina, Jorge. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Obungoloch, Johnes. Mbarara University Of Science And Technology; UgandaFil: Schiff, Steven J.. Pennsylvania State University; Estados Unido

    Sustainable low-field cardiovascular magnetic resonance in changing healthcare systems.

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    Cardiovascular disease continues to be a major burden facing healthcare systems worldwide. In the developed world, cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is a well-established non-invasive imaging modality in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease. However, there is significant global inequality in availability and access to CMR due to its high cost, technical demands as well as existing disparities in healthcare and technical infrastructures across high-income and low-income countries. Recent renewed interest in low-field CMR has been spurred by the clinical need to provide sustainable imaging technology capable of yielding diagnosticquality images whilst also being tailored to the local populations and healthcare ecosystems. This review aims to evaluate the technical, practical and cost considerations of low field CMR whilst also exploring the key barriers to implementing sustainable MRI in both the developing and developed world

    Design and Simulation of a Physician-Based Fuzzy System for Ventilator Adjustments in ARDS Patients to Ensure Lung Protection

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    The acute respiratory distress syndrome patients largely need a mechanical ventilator intervention. There are procedures that have been developed to guide the physicians during the ventilation of the patient. Berlin definition of the acute respiratory distress syndrome has been developed with ventilator adjustment settings/procedures. The procedures may however be a challenge for some physicians to remember during the intense ventilator intervention. Physicians are found to make human errors that may lead to the death of the patient. This, therefore, calls for the need of a logic system that will reason for the physician, that is, guide the physician. A fuzzy logic system was used to build the fuzzy set rules based on the Berlin definition. The MATLAB Simulink was used to simulate the system. The results show that the fuzzy-based ARDS Berlin definition can guide the physician on the adjustments to be made during the ventilation

    A Dictionary Learning Approach for Noise-Robust Image Reconstruction in Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Objective: Image denoising has been considered as a separate procedure from image reconstruction which could otherwise be combined with acquisition and reconstruction. This paper discusses a joint image reconstruction and denoising algorithm in low-field MRI using a dictionary learning approach. Method: Our proposed algorithm uses a two-level Bregman iterative method for image reconstruction and image denoising procedure using OMP for sparse coding and SimCO for Dictionary Update and Learning. Results: Experiments were done on a noisy phantom that was obtained from a low field MRI scanner. Results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm performs superior image reconstructions that are almost noise-free. Our proposed method also performed better than the TBMDU algorithm, which performed better than DLMRI, a technique that substantially outperformed other CSMRI based reconstruction methods. However, the TBMDU algorithm is faster than our proposed algorithm due to additional iterations required during the denoising step. Conclusion: An algorithm that jointly performs reconstruction and denoising is essential in medical imaging modalities where image denoising has been a separate process from the reconstruction. Combining the two could save time and could avoid image details to be lost due to having two separate operations. This formulation is essential in imaging modalities like low-field MRI where the image signal is noisy and therefore performing a joint reconstruction and denoising could help improve the quality of the images obtained. </p

    Cervical cancer classification from Pap-smears using an enhanced fuzzy C-means algorithm

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    Globally, cervical cancer ranks as the fourth most prevalent cancer affecting women. However, it can be successfully treated if detected at an early stage. The Pap smear is a good tool for initial screening of cervical cancer, but there is the possibility of error due to human mistake. Moreover, the process is tedious and time-consuming. The objective of this study was to mitigate the risk of mistake by automating the process of cervical cancer classification from Pap smear images. In this research, contrast local adaptive histogram equalization was used for image enhancement. Cell segmentation was achieved through a Trainable Weka Segmentation classifier, and a sequential elimination approach was used for debris rejection. Feature selection was achieved using simulated annealing integrated with a wrapper filter, while classification was achieved using a fuzzy c-means algorithm.The evaluation of the classifier was carried out on three different datasets (single cell images, multiple cell images and Pap smear slide images from a pathology unit). An overall classification accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of ‘98.88%, 99.28% and 97.47%‘, ‘97.64%, 98.08% and 97.16%’ and ‘96.80%, 98.40% and 95.20%’ were obtained for each dataset respectively. The higher accuracy and sensitivity of the classifier was attributed to the robustness of the feature selection method that was utilized to select cell features that would improve the classification performance, and the number of clusters used during defuzzification and classification. The evaluation and testing conducted confirmed the rationale of the approach taken, which is based on the premise that the selection of salient features embeds sufficient discriminatory information that leads to an increase in the accuracy of cervical cancer classification. Results show that the method outperforms many of the existing algorithms in terms of the false negative rate (0.72%), false positive rate (2.53%), and classification error (1.12%), when applied to the DTU/Herlev benchmark Pap smear dataset. The approach articulated in this paper is applicable to many Pap smear analysis systems, but is particularly pertinent to low-cost systems that should be of significant benefit to developing economies. Keywords: Pap-smear, Cervical cancer, Fuzzy-C mean

    A pap-smear analysis tool (PAT) for detection of cervical cancer from pap-smear images

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    Abstract Background Cervical cancer is preventable if effective screening measures are in place. Pap-smear is the commonest technique used for early screening and diagnosis of cervical cancer. However, the manual analysis of the pap-smears is error prone due to human mistake, moreover, the process is tedious and time-consuming. Hence, it is beneficial to develop a computer-assisted diagnosis tool to make the pap-smear test more accurate and reliable. This paper describes the development of a tool for automated diagnosis and classification of cervical cancer from pap-smear images. Method Scene segmentation was achieved through a Trainable Weka Segmentation classifier and a sequential elimination approach was used for debris rejection. Feature selection was achieved using simulated annealing integrated with a wrapper filter, while classification was achieved using a fuzzy C-means algorithm. Results The evaluation of the classifier was carried out on three different datasets (single cell images, multiple cell images and pap-smear slide images from a pathology lab). Overall classification accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of ‘98.88%, 99.28% and 97.47%’, ‘97.64%, 98.08% and 97.16%’ and ‘95.00%, 100% and 90.00%’ were obtained for each dataset, respectively. The higher accuracy and sensitivity of the classifier was attributed to the robustness of the feature selection method that accurately selected cell features that improved the classification performance and the number of clusters used during defuzzification and classification. Results show that the method outperforms many of the existing algorithms in sensitivity (99.28%), specificity (97.47%), and accuracy (98.88%) when applied to the Herlev benchmark pap-smear dataset. False negative rate, false positive rate and classification error of 0.00%, 10.00% and 5.00%, respectively were obtained when applied to pap-smear slides from a pathology lab. Conclusions The major contribution of this tool in a cervical cancer screening workflow is that it reduces on the time required by the cytotechnician to screen very many pap-smears by eliminating the obvious normal ones, hence more time can be put on the suspicious slides. The proposed system has the capability of analyzing a full pap-smear slide within 3 min as opposed to the 5–10 min per slide in the manual analysis. The tool presented in this paper is applicable to many pap-smear analysis systems but is particularly pertinent to low-cost systems that should be of significant benefit to developing economies

    A Dictionary Learning Approach for Noise-Robust Image Reconstruction in Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Objective: Image denoising has been considered as a separate procedure from image reconstruction which could otherwise be combined with acquisition and reconstruction. This paper discusses a joint image reconstruction and denoising algorithm in low-field MRI using a dictionary learning approach. Method: Our proposed algorithm uses a two-level Bregman iterative method for image reconstruction and image denoising procedure using OMP for sparse coding and SimCO for Dictionary Update and Learning. Results: Experiments were done on a noisy phantom that was obtained from a low field MRI scanner. Results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm performs superior image reconstructions that are almost noise-free. Our proposed method also performed better than the TBMDU algorithm, which performed better than DLMRI, a technique that substantially outperformed other CSMRI based reconstruction methods. However, the TBMDU algorithm is faster than our proposed algorithm due to additional iterations required during the denoising step. Conclusion: An algorithm that jointly performs reconstruction and denoising is essential in medical imaging modalities where image denoising has been a separate process from the reconstruction. Combining the two could save time and could avoid image details to be lost due to having two separate operations. This formulation is essential in imaging modalities like low-field MRI where the image signal is noisy and therefore performing a joint reconstruction and denoising could help improve the quality of the images obtained. Numerical Analysi

    Adaptive-size dictionary learning using information theoretic criteria for image reconstruction from undersampled k-space data in low field magnetic resonance imaging

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    Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe non-invasive and nonionizing medical imaging modality that is used to visualize the structure of human anatomy. Conventional (high-field) MRI scanners are very expensive to purchase, operate and maintain, which limit their use in many developing countries. This study is part of a project that aims at addressing these challenges and is carried out by teams from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Uganda, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands and Pennsylvania State University (PSU) in the USA. These are working on developing affordable, portable and low-field MRI scanners to diagnose children in developing countries with hydrocephalus. The challenges faced by the teams are that the low-field MRI scanners currently under development are characterized by low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), and long scan times. Methods: We propose an algorithm called adaptive-size dictionary learning algorithm (AS-DLMRI) that integrates information-theoretic criteria (ITC) and Dictionary learning approaches. The result of the integration is an adaptive-size dictionary that is optimal for any input signal. AS-DLMRI may help to reduce the scan time and improve the SNR of the generated images, thereby improving the image quality. Results: We compared our proposed algorithm AS-DLMRI with adaptive patch-based algorithm known as DLMRI and non-adaptive CSMRI technique known as LDP. DLMRI and LDP have been used as the baseline algorithms in other related studies. The results of AS-DLMRI are consistently slightly better in terms of PSNR, SNR and HFEN than for DLMRI, and are significantly better than for LDP. Moreover, AS-DLMRI is faster than DLMRI. Conclusion: Using a dictionary size that is appropriate to the input data could reduce the computational complexity, and also the construction quality since only dictionary atoms that are relevant to the task are included in the dictionary and are used during the reconstruction. However, AS-DLMRI did not completely remove noise during the experiments with the noisy phantom. Our next step in our research is to integrate our proposed algorithm with an image denoising function. Numerical Analysi